Sample Songwriting Partnership Agreement

The following is a sample songwriting partnership agreement that you might want to use when you are co-writing. Do you need an agreement? It really is up to you, however some may feel more comfortable knowing that there is something in writing just in case your co-written song makes some money. Here it is:

This agreement dated this ______ day of ___________, 20__ ,
Made between


Whose usual residential address is

(hereinafter called “the first party”) and,


Whose usual residential address is

(hereinafter called “the second party” )

in respect of the musical composition known as :

(hereinafter referred to as “the Said Work”)


1. The parties to this Agreement shall own the Said Work jointly.

2 All monies, receipts, benefits, benefits in kind or other remuneration, whether of money’s worth or otherwise received in respect of the said work shall be divided between the Parties in the following proportions:

50% (fifty percent) to the First Party, and
50% (fifty percent) to the Second Party.

3. The Parties to this Agreement may jointly make any alteration to the Said Work, or allow others to do so, but any such amendment, alteration, or otherwise shall not affect the contents of clause 2 herein.

4. The parties to this Agreement may jointly or separately promote the said work, or allow others to do so, but neither party may commit the other party to any expense, loss of earnings from the Said Work without the consent of the other party, save that no reasonable request for consent shall be withheld.

5. The period for which this Agreement shall remain in force is 5 years, or is mutually cancelled by the consent of both Parties in writing, or this Agreement is superseded by a Publishing, Recording or other Contract with a Third Party.

6. At the end of the five-year period, either party shall be entitled to demand the return of their component part in the Said Work, by notice in writing, posted in an pre-paid envelope and sent by registered post within a period of thirty clear days immediately following the fifth anniversary of the date of this Agreement.

7. Any further changes to this Agreement shall only be validated by written agreement signed by both Parties and duly witnessed and dated in a like manner to below.

In witness to this said Agreement: –

Signed (by the First Party)_________________________________

Witnessed this day by (signed)_____________________________

Name and address of Witness:


Signed (by the Second Party) _____________________________

Witnessed this day by (signed) ____________________________

Name and address of Witness:


You might want to copy and paste the above agreement, print out two copies and remember to have everyone sign each!



  1. I’m interested in using this template for a relationship with another book author. I’m wondering why you limited the contract to 5 years.


    1. Hi Savanah,

      I didn’t create the contract, but my guess is that it’s written with the idea of a “reversion clause” which is something that songwriters often want to include in any contract they sign with publishers. The idea is that it can be reverted if one or the other writers desires to pull out. It can, of course, also be renewed.


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