Here is where you will find all the videos I’ve posted on YouTube and links to pages you can print out so you can play along!
The newest videos will be added TO THE BOTTOM of this post, so that they will be in order from the top down. Here is a link to each class, in case you’re in a hurry:
Class #1, Class #2, Class #3, Class #4, Class #5, Class #6, Class #7, Class #8, Lesson 1 Songs, Level 2-1, Level 2-2, Level 2-3, Guitar Q&A, Level 2-4, Level 2-5, Level 2-6, Level 2-7, Level 2-8
Class #1 – This is the first of which I hope will be a series of beginner lessons for all of you stuck inside with nothing to do during this pandemic! If you can, print these two pages out so you can keep track of your chords and follow along with the song:
Class #2 – A continuation of my series of guitar lessons for absolute beginners. Remember to tune first!
Class #3 – This is the third in a series of lessons for absolute beginner guitar players. Remember to have your guitar in tune!
Here is the regular strumming pattern:

Here is the song sheet for Saw Her Standing There:
Class #4 – Continuing on our path to learning guitar, in this lesson we start to play the old Beatles’ song Saw Her Standing There. Slowly, of course :-).
Class #5 – In this “class” we continue playing Saw Her Standing there with our new strum, and then we learn 2 new chords!
Class #6 – In this video, we continue to work on the chords in preparation for the song Teach Your Children.
Here is the song sheet for Teach Your Children:
Class #7 – In this lesson we play through Teach Your Children, all the way through, and then we begin to learn a new strum pattern. What? Already? Well, I think you’re ready š
Here is the strum pattern:

Class #8 – This is the last in the first series of beginner guitar classes. If you’ve made it this far, you’re doing great!
Beginner Guitar Level 1 Songs – Here are the three main songs we learned in the first set of lessons: Saw Her Standing There, Teach Your Children and Bad Moon Rising.
Beginner Guitar Level 2 – 1
Here is the first video of the next series of beginner guitar classes!
Here is the song sheet for Brown Eyed Girl:
Here is the song sheet for Clocks:
Beginner Guitar Level 2 – 2
Now we’re going to play through the song Clocks by Coldplay.
Here is the song sheet for Let It Be:
Here is the “slow strum” pattern:

Beginner Level 2-3
In this level, we’ll learn to play Let It Be by the Beatles.
Beginner Guitar Q&A
This is just a short video answering a couple of the questions that have been asked recently.
Beginner Level 2-4
This is our first look at the “F” chord (uh, oh), and the song “Already Gone” by the Eagles.
Here is the song sheet for Already Gone:
Beginner Level 2-5
In this video, we will be looking at tablature, or “tab” for the first time, and learning the chords Bm and B7 in preparation for the song Secret Agent Man.
Here is the tab graphic:

Beginner Level 2-6
In this video we’ll play through the song Secret Agent Man:
Beginner Level 2-7
In this video, we learn to play the song Budapest. The finger picked instruction video is posted below this one. Here is the song sheet for Budapest: