Happy 2013! Tips From Others

I was flipping through my most recent copy of SOCAN’s Words and Music and found some interesting songwriting tips from Matt Mays, a Canadian songwriter who finds himself on the road quite a bit.  Check out his website.

Here is his list of tips:

1. “One thing that has really helped me is to be moving – whether it’s on a train, boat, or car, or even walking around my apartment while I’m writing, instead of sitting in one spot.”

2. “Try writing lyrics on newspaper.  It rather distracts you because there are other words underneath.  That means yours don’t seem so final.  The words underneath may spark something else too.”

3. “Always change the key up.  Learn the song in other keys, and that helps keep you from getting bored.”

4. “Change instruments.  I’ll go to a ukulele, or piano, or try open tuning.”

5. “There is one tip from John Lennon:  never leave a song until it’s done.  You may never get that spark, that excitement, back.  If you get an idea, finish the song, even if you have to miss your best friend’s funeral.  Finishing that song is more important than anything else.”

Some excellent tips here…some of which I’ve encouraged myself, but some new ideas too.  The newspaper idea is a good one, I’ll have to try that some day!

On a more personal note, I have come back to my old way of writing;  on paper and without any technology (i.e. a computer) around.  This was my “old” way of writing and it seems to be working again.  Also, I’ve moved around the house to write in different places;  not quite the idea of being on a moving train or boat as Matt suggests above.  But changes places seems to have helped me too!

Best wishes to all of my blog followers for the New Year!