Hi all…you will notice a new look to this blog today. Essentially I had to do a lot of work on it in the last 24 hours when I realized that it had been hacked. It was a WordPress spam injection, which made the spam itself invisible to anyone looking at the blog, but there were dozens and dozens of spam websites inserted into the code of the blog.
- Image by Getty Images via @daylife
It was a shock to me to find it, as I did quite by accident. But hopefully I will be able to keep it from happening again. I’ve added a number of security measures and, needless to say, I will be keeping a much closer eye on it from now on!
Also, my web host has been doing maintenance today, so the website has been up and down all day. I hope this won’t continue for much longer, and I appreciate your patience (I’m kinda running out of it myself!).
Thanks for continuing to support the songwriting tips website and blog…I’ll keep posting if you’ll keep reading!
Cheers, IJ